Jackie Robinson: A Film by Ken Burns, Sarah Burns & David McMahon

On April 15, 1947, Jack Roosevelt Robinson lifted an entire race and nation on his shoulders when he crossed baseball’s color line. A supremely gifted athlete and ardent integrationist, Robinson captivated Americans of all races with his brilliant play, and in the process, challenged the historically prejudiced notions of what a black man could achieve. In a country deeply divided by race, where African Americans had few civil rights and fewer opportunities, Robinson used his enormous fame to speak out tirelessly against the discrimination he encountered both on and off the field. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “Jackie Robinson was a sit-inner before sit-ins, a freedom rider before freedom rides.” Jackie Robinson tells the extraordinary story of an American hero whose fierce, lifelong fight for first-class citizenship for all African Americans transcends even his remarkable athletic achievements.
Ken Burns, Sarah Burns, David McMahon
2x120, 4x60, 2x60
Production Company
Florentine Films
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