Opioids, Inc.

Pushing opioids. Bribing doctors. Making millions. In Opioids, Inc., FRONTLINE and the Financial Times investigate how the drug company Insys Therapeutics profited from a fentanyl-based painkiller up to 100 times stronger than morphine—and how some Wall Street investors looked the other way even as questions about the company’s practices mounted.
A year in the making, Opioids, Inc. tells the inside story of how Insys profited from Subsys, a fast-acting fentanyl-based spray that’s been linked to hundreds of deaths. Tactics included targeting high-prescribing doctors and nurse practitioners known within the company as “whales,” misleading insurers, and holding contests for the sales team: the higher the prescription doses they got doctors to write, the larger the cash prize—despite the dangers to patients.
Hannah Kuchler, Annie Wong, Nick Verbitsky, Rebecca Blandon
Thomas Jennings
Current Affairs
Production Company
FRONTLINE, The Financial Times
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